Any guesses on what this month’s flavor is?! This month’s featured flavor is most prevalent during the holiday season. It causes quite a stir over the best method to crack it open and enjoy its bounty. It can also be easily confused with an apple. This month we bring light to the pomegranate!
The word pomegranate means apple with many seeds and can contain more than 1,000 seeds in just one fruit! They are the edible part of the fruit, packed with antioxidants that classify it as a super fruit. It’s no wonder people from all over the world have loved this deliciously red and round beauty for ages.
Pomegranates belong to the berry family and are native to the Middle East. However, they are grown all over, including the warmer parts of the Americas from the United States to Chile. Pomegranates harvested in the United States are typically in season from September to December, which is most likely why they are so popular during this time of year.
At Northwest Naturals, we source our pomegranate from different countries and consistently have this flavor available all year long. We offer various pomegranate products, including Juice Concentrate, Organic Pomegranate Juice Concentrate, Stated Pomegranate WONF, and Mixed Fruit juice Concentrate. Our clients especially love this product line because it provides an excellent fruit flavor and acidity while adding beautiful clear color to a finished product. Not to mention, what makes NWN’s offering unique is that we carry a wide variety of profiles to meet everyone’s varying ideas on what the fruit should taste like. While some customers believe the flavor should be sweeter, like strawberries or berries, others enjoy a tart and astringent finish. We prefer to accommodate all preferences.
Pomegranate is an enjoyable fruit profile to work with as it lends itself to a wide variety of accompanying flavors, applications, and cuisines, from sweet, tart to savory. The NWN R&D team had fun experimenting with non-traditional recipes and cooked up a noodle kugel pomegranate and baklava. They included the NWN Pomegranate Juice Concentrate instead of honey on both applications, which proved to marry nicely together.
In addition to creating unique applications, we’ve also made custom blends using this flavor profile for more traditional applications in the alcohol space. Many popular products in the market were created, including pomegranate seltzer, Pom+cherry cider, and pomegranate liqueur.
Whether you are looking to create a new pomegranate product for your market or looking to add this flavor to your current offering, we’re ready for the challenge! Contact us today to learn more about making your dream application into reality.